Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Daily blog #13

Today I had a meeting with my project mentor, Jennifer Fletcher. It was very productive. First she showed me some information that she had gotten at a special education information session. It was interesting because it was about the law, and things that I didn't know about how the legal system plays into special education. Then we reviewed what I had done so far. We talked about my blogs, and how Mrs. Black and I realized that the smartest way to prepare for the review committee would be to print out the blogs and highlight key points relating to my goals. Then we reviewed the schedule for the upcoming week, and talked about how I should approach my student evaluation. Jen basically just checked up on me, and made sure I was on track. I owe credit to Jen because she is the one who gave me the idea to shadow Mrs. Black. Tomorrow is my last day at the school. :(

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