Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Daily blog #3

Today was different than my usual schedule. I didn’t go to the school today, but rather began reading through a book lent to me by Mrs. Black. The title is Asperger’s…What Does It Mean To Me? written by Catherine Faherty. Mrs. Black bookmarked the pages for me that talked about specific cases that I have already seen.
I read about what autism is and why people have autism. I also read about how most children with autism like routines and familiarity and prefer to not have change. I learned that a schedule can often help children with autism. In addition, I read that many children with autism find the need for success, and unwilling to make mistakes. When they make mistakes they don’t really learn from them and it is difficult to see the connection between making a mistake, almost succeeding, and achieving.
From the book I also learned about children with autism often experience the five senses differently than children without. In the book there are a series of worksheets and questions asking children with autism about their senses including hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, and seeing.
Lastly I read about autistic children and their artistic talents. For someone with autism, art can be physically pleasurable because of the motor or sensory aspects of the activity. It can also be intellectually pleasurable because of the patterns, rhythm and harmony
The book mentioned several ways to work with autistic children's strengths and weaknesses in order to help him or her out. This will be helpful while working with Mrs. Black in her classes. I also have a greater understanding of autism, so I can better observe the way Mrs. Black work with autistic children.

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